Gambling Psychology

Psychologists and behavioral scientists have some interesting ideas about the methods of clinically diagnosing gamblers.  There are some who claim that gambling is an expression of a pathological and/or neurotic individual, which can only be treated by psychological reformation.  This reformation includes an encouragement of the gambler to use introspection to look at their childhood, current fears and past hardships – sometimes accompanied by the use of prescribed drugs.   There are some psychologists who believe that “Lady Luck”  symbolically replaces a gamblers mother, and/or, represents the motherhood state in general.  The reason why behavioral scientists say gamblers cannot quit while they are winning is because they desire to actually lose their money, so as to be punished for unresolved tensions and internal conflicts in their lives.  In other words, on a deep psychological level, these “true” gamblers want to lose all their money so that they can reach a state of nothingness and despair – All initiated by a past action that the gambler has not resolved in the subconscious, resulting in an overwhelming sense of guilt.

Before anyone even thinks to endeavor in the gambling and betting industry, he must be aware of a few golden rules that must follow strictly if he is to accomplish any positive yield and profit:
1) Bet only as much as you can afford to lose
2) Gambling Is a marathon and not a sprint
3) Never chase your losses once you hit a losing streak
4) Always remember rules 1, 2 and 3!

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